#Aurora Hemispheric Power Tabular Values # Product: Ovation Aurora Short Term Forecast https://services.swpc.noaa.gov/text/aurora-nowcast-hemi-power.txt # Timestamp is the valid time of a 30 minute forecast # This file contains data for 2024-07-04 # # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center. # Please send comments and suggestions to SWPC.CustomerSupport@noaa.gov # # Missing Data: (n/a) # Cadence: 5 minutes # # Tabular Data Format # # Observation Forecast North-Hemispheric-Power-Index South-Hemispheric-Power-Index-GigaWatts # YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM GigaWatts GigaWatts #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2024-07-04_00:00 2024-07-04_01:04 12 13 2024-07-04_00:05 2024-07-04_01:09 12 12 2024-07-04_00:10 2024-07-04_01:14 12 12 2024-07-04_00:15 2024-07-04_01:19 11 11 2024-07-04_00:20 2024-07-04_01:24 11 11 2024-07-04_00:25 2024-07-04_01:29 11 11 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