:Product: 3-Day Forecast :Issued: 2024 Jul 04 0030 UTC # Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # A. NOAA Geomagnetic Activity Observation and Forecast The greatest observed 3 hr Kp over the past 24 hours was 2 (below NOAA Scale levels). The greatest expected 3 hr Kp for Jul 04-Jul 06 2024 is 2.67 (below NOAA Scale levels). NOAA Kp index breakdown Jul 04-Jul 06 2024 Jul 04 Jul 05 Jul 06 00-03UT 2.00 1.67 1.67 03-06UT 1.67 1.67 1.33 06-09UT 1.67 1.67 1.33 09-12UT 1.67 1.33 1.33 12-15UT 2.33 1.33 1.33 15-18UT 2.33 1.33 1.33 18-21UT 2.67 1.33 1.67 21-00UT 2.33 1.33 1.67 Rationale: No G1 (Minor) or greater geomagnetic storms are expected. No significant transient or recurrent solar wind features are forecast. B. NOAA Solar Radiation Activity Observation and Forecast Solar radiation, as observed by NOAA GOES-18 over the past 24 hours, was below S-scale storm level thresholds. Solar Radiation Storm Forecast for Jul 04-Jul 06 2024 Jul 04 Jul 05 Jul 06 S1 or greater 5% 5% 5% Rationale: No S1 (Minor) or greater solar radiation storms are expected. No significant active region activity favorable for radiation storm production is forecast. C. NOAA Radio Blackout Activity and Forecast Radio blackouts reaching the R1 levels were observed over the past 24 hours. The largest was at Jul 01 2024 1102 UTC. Radio Blackout Forecast for Jul 04-Jul 06 2024 Jul 04 Jul 05 Jul 06 R1-R2 35% 35% 35% R3 or greater 5% 5% 5% Rationale: There is a chance for R1-R2 (Minor-Moderate) radio blackouts over 04-06 Jul.